Desert Institute Presents Special Programs in Joshua Tree National Park

Desert Institute Presents Special Programs in Joshua Tree National Park Sunrise or Sunset Photographic Workshops with a Master Photographer Let us show you where and how to take stunning sunrise or sunset images in the Joshua Tree National Park! We can create a customized program to spend four hours in the morning or evening photographing the iconic boulders and joshua trees. This workshop is perfect for those photographers looking to improve on composition and creating unique and original imagery. Working with our instructors will help you make sense of the landscape and begin to understand how to make effective images in this truly bizarre and wonderful terrain. If you’re just a beginner, no problem, this workshop will provide you with beginning instruction in landscape photography, filter use, and sunset or sunrise silhouettes. Program Cost: 1-6 people Half Day $300 7+ people Please call 760-367-5535 for rates We can also provide a list of lodging options in the gateway communities of the Joshua Tree National Park.

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